The Museum of Political History of Russia solemnly opened the exhibition “SOBIBOR. To the 80th anniversary of Alexander Pechersky`s feat”, based on materials provided by the Alexander Pechersky Memorial Foundation.
On October 4, the museum successfully hosted a theatrical event “One Day with Gorky” as part of the project “Pushkin and Gorky. The view from the present day”.
On May 25 in the White Hall of The Museum of Political History of Russia was signed a cooperation agreement between the State Museum of Political History of Russia and the National Museum of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
On March 3, the Museum of Political History of Russia hosted a presentation of the exhibition “Not a craft, but a vocation... Dedicated to the Teachers of Russia”
On January 27 there was an official opening of the exhibition "Fight for young people" dedicated to the youth organizations and movements in the 1900s and 1930s