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ICOM International Conference “Museum and Politics”

The museum is actively involved in international activities and cooperation. From 9 to 12 September, 2014 ICOM Russia, ICOM Germany and ICOM USA joint conference MUSEUM and POLITICS took place in St. Petersburg

It was organized by ICOM National Committees, Committee for Culture of Saint-Petersburg and The State Hermitage Museum. On September 11, the Museum of Political History of Russia hosted a meeting of the section "Museums and Society Development".

Before the meeting, the participants were offered a tour of the museum's halls.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director of the State Museum of Political History of Russia, Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation Dr. Evgeny Artemov presented exposition "Man and Power in Russia in XIX - XXI centuries".

The conference participants listened to the 16 reports that were devoted to topical issues of interaction between museums and society. The speakers were museum experts from Russia, the USA, Greece, Cameroon, China, Benin.

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