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Opening of the exhibition "Man and Power in Russia in the 19th – 21st Centuries"

Exposition “Man and Power in Russia in the 19th – 21st Centuries” deals with relations of a man and a government at crucial points of the domestic history. The sections of the exposition, and reflect the key events of our history: change of political systems and wars, revolutions and reforms, periods of power liberalization and dictatorship strengthening. The exhibits and artistic objects, eyewitness testimonies and “voices of history” show, how actions of those responsible for decision making and ordinary people influenced upon the course of history.

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2-4 Kuibysheva St., Saint-Petersburg


(812) 600-20-00,

(812) 233-70-52

Site developed by: Ellipse Arts Ltd

© 2004-2025   The State Museum of Political History of Russia