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Museum of Political History of Russia is not only a modern exhibition and infrastructure available for all categories of visitors. Also, for your convenience, there is a cafe in the museum. Here you can cheer up with a strong coffee, try classic or herbal tea, or other soft drinks.

Hungry? You are welcomed to taste delicious desserts, ice cream and pastries.

If you come with a  big company, and not in a hurry you are always welcomed in the cafe! We have peaceful atmosphere, Art Nouveau design, and always friendly staff. It is the perfect place for those who decided to relax after meeting with the museum, to discuss, or meditate.
It is easy to share your experiences online, we have Wi-Fi.

Always glad to see you!

Opening hours:
Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun: 10.00-17.00
Wednesday: 10.00-18.00

The cafe is in the main building: 2-4 Kuibysheva St., Saint-Petersburg. (M. "Gorkovskaya"). 

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2-4 Kuibysheva St., Saint-Petersburg


(812) 600-20-00,

(812) 233-70-52

Site developed by: Ellipse Arts Ltd

© 2004-2025   The State Museum of Political History of Russia