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A special purpose museum

The exhibition, opened in the year of the centenary of the museum, represents amazing and difficult fate of the museum, which has experienced repressions, wars, periods of thaw, stagnation and restructuring, finding new look in the modern era. Three rooms represent more than 500 exhibits, including legendary items related to the main events of the history of our country over the last hundred years. Visitors will see how the Museum from the “laboratory of revolutionary thought” and the rostrum of the promotion of the ideas of socialism transformed into a modern Museum of political history of Russia.

Today the Museum, as hundred years ago, collects, stores, studies and exhibits items reflecting the most important events of the social life of the country. It is an educational centre where the concept of the modern view of the past through the prism of the present is formed and translated.

The exhibition was created with the participation of the State Hermitage Museum, the Central state historical archive of St. Petersburg, the Central state archive of literature and art of St. Petersburg.

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2-4 Kuibysheva St., Saint-Petersburg


(812) 600-20-00,

(812) 233-70-52

Site developed by: Ellipse Arts Ltd

© 2004-2025   The State Museum of Political History of Russia