The exhibition “All for the front, everything for Victory!” opened at the museum

Since March 17, the exhibition “All for the front, everything for Victory!”, which tells about the initiatives of Soviet citizens in support of the front and the Red Army. June 29, 1941 the Sovnarkom of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) formulated the slogan “All for the front! Everything for Victory!”, which became not just a motto, but the meaning of life of the entire population of the Soviet Union.

“The idea of the exhibition is to show that this slogan, which we all know, “All for the front, everything for Victory!” was not invented by the authorities, but was in itself the law of life for most Soviet citizens, the law of universal resistance to the enemy,” says the curator of the exhibition Margarita Alexandrovna Samoilova.

There are 25 large-format photographs, forming three thematic complexes: “Defense Fund”, “Artists to the Front”, “Gifts to the Red Army Soldiers”. The photo gallery is supplemented by a showcase with materials and documents both from the funds of the State Museum of Political History of Russia and the collections of the exhibition's partners: gifts to the Red Army soldiers, a receipt for donations to the Defense Fund, letters to Stalin from Soviet citizens and enterprises indicating the amounts transferred to the Defense Fund, a cigarette case presented to USSR Marshal Matvey Zakharov by workers.

The exhibition space has a “touchscreen” that allows you to see additional materials: newspaper articles, photographs, documents, posters.

Санкт-Петербург, ул. Куйбышева 2-4


(812) 600-20-00, (812) 233-70-52,

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