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The ceremony of transmitting cultural treasures took place in the Museum

On 17th of January, a ceremony of cultural property transfer by the Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the North-West federal district to the State Museum of Political History of Russia took place in the White hall of Kshesinskaya mansion.

Andrey Mikhaylovich Ermakov, the head of the Directorate of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the North-West federal district and Elena Anatolievna Lysenko, the acting general director of the Museum of Political History of Russia signed an act of transfer of 22 objects to the museum. Those materials, which were detained at customs posts in the Arkhangelsk, Leningrad and Pskov regions and transferred for further disposal to the Office of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District, representing historical and collectible value for the museum.

«Back in summer our colleagues were invited to the Office of the Ministry of Culture in the North-West in order to see and select those materials that will be offered to museums for inclusion in their collection. As a result, 22 items are going to be handed to us today. Things that added to our collection are very interesting», said the chief curator of the museum Lyubov Petrovna Efremova in her speech at the ceremony.

Those are ancient coins, the so-called «scales», which resemble in appearance and shape fish scales. They date back to the reign of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, the first tsars of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich. There is a picture of a galloping rider on one side of the coin, while the other has the title and name of the ruler. They would greatly expand the chronological range of the museum's numismatics collection, helping to fill the gaps in the study of Russia's monetary system. Previously the earliest coin in the collection was a money of 1747, minted during the reign of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna.

The Fine Arts Fund received the pictures «Lenin with the Red Army men. At the Map» by Vladimir Fedorovich Tokarev, «Lenin at the Congress of kombeds» by Karl Sholomovich Friedman, and «Portrait of Lenin» by the unknown artist. «Of course, we will have to study and establish the authorship of the portrait. But it is assumed that it was made by one of Serov’students», comments the museum’s chief curator Lyubov Petrovna Efremova.

The sketch «Shepherd Boy» by Nikolai Solomin is a supplement to the painting «Transfer of Machinery to MTS Collective Farms» from the funds of the Museum of Political History of Russia. The museum’s collection also includes unique items of the Old Believers’ religious cult, edged weapons, a statuette in the form of an eagle with a swastika, a piece of furniture from the late 19th - early 20th centuries, which are expected to be included in the museum exposition in the future.


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