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In the Museum opened the exhibition “Donbass 14-22. The Right for Life”

The exhibition “Donbass 14-22. The Right for Life” opened. It tells about the fates of people who for have been fighting for eight years for the right to live peacefully on their land, about those who lost their loved ones, who stood before a cruel choice: to leave their homes or live in a war zone and defend their freedom.

Humiliated and mutilated.
But not inhuman.
Hungry and dehydrated.
But not disembodied.
The infernal furnace is burning.
Hot with sun and sorrow,
My city burns like a candle,
At the Lord's throne.

(Donbass. February 2015).

This poem written by the poet Alisa Fedorova, was heard at the opening of the exhibition.

“The museum could not help but respond to the events taking place in Donbass,” said first deputy director of the museum for scientific work Elena Lysenko at the opening. - With this exhibition, the museum expresses support and solidarity with the people of Donbass, who are fighting a war of liberation for nine years. The history of Donbass 2014-2022 is still being written, it is going to be comprehended by historians, and with this exhibition, our museum has made its contribution - in accordance to its mission to present the tragedy of specific people through the prism of historical events.

Elena Lysenko thanked representatives of the People`s Republic of Lugansk and especially the NGO “Memorial: We Shall Not Forget, We Shall Not Forgive” for the materials provided to the museum, which became the basis for the exhibition. “The people of Donbass never thought of war, but February 2014 divided Ukraine into two parts.

The people of Donbass chose the path of kindness and for 8 years they have been proving that there is room for humanity, good neighborhood, empathy in war conditions,” said Anna Soroka, adviser to the Head of the Luhansk People`s Republic. - We are grateful to the Russian people for their support, without it there would have been a humanitarian catastrophe. We donated to the exhibition all the photos we have been collecting for 8 years, each of them depicts a whole life”.

Svetlana Agapitova, Commissioner for Human Rights in Saint-Petersburg, spoke at the opening. She noted the educational potential of the exhibition, the impression it is able to make on the younger generation, and urged as many people as possible to visit the Museum of Political History of Russia and see with their own eyes the evidence of the tragedy of Donbass.

The exhibition is open in the museum atrium until September 14.  


Санкт-Петербург, ул. Куйбышева 2-4


(812) 600-20-00, (812) 233-70-52,

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